Editorial Note from the Editor-in-Chief


  • Dr. Robina Ghaffar




Editorial Note from the Chief Editor


On behalf of the Board of the Journal of Open Access Organization and Management Review (www.mdpip.com) and my co-editors, I am glad to present to you Volume 1, Issue 1 of the journal. The journal established in 2022 has now published its first issue; two issues in a year. The journal is now getting to be indexed in different academic forums. We could reach this stage through the constant support of Board Members and the intellectual generosity of the readers and contributors (authors and reviewers).

One of the objectives of this journal is to encourage publication from different streams of research that helps to enrich and further create and disseminate scientific knowledge to empower the nations. We take this opportunity to thank the authors for sending their work for publication. We have enriched our editorial board for addressing the gaps and further enriching this journal. I am glad thatProfessor Madya Dr. Mohamed Nizam Bin Nazaruddin has joinedas Executive Editor of this journal. I am sure with the efforts of the Editorial Board; the journal will be able to strengthen its links with the scientific community. Also joining the editorial team is Dr. Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Dr. Phil Harris, Dr. Farzand Ali Jan,Dr.Adhir Sharma, Dr. Alex Khang,Dr. Mansoor Akbar Kundi, Dr. Gabriel Kabanda, Dr. Haroon Ur Rasheed Khan, Dr. Jose Duarte Santos, Dr. Janardhan Pillai, Dr. Khalil Ur Rehman Khuombati, and Dr. Md. Shabbir Alam. They have been actively involved in the journal since its inauguration. Interested readers can see the brief profilesof the Chief Editor and Executive Editor in this inaugural issue (Dec 2022).We are thankful for the patience of the authors who submitted their manuscript earlier in Nov. 2020 in response to our social media call for papers but due to some technical issues in the Design and Development of the website, we are now publishing in March 2023 the Volume 1, Issue 1 for December 2022.

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