Declaration of Ethics and Good Practice of Publication

The MDPIP is committed to complying with high standards of ethical behavior and taking all possible measures against any professional negligence that is carried out in all stages of the publication process of the journal. It complies with the guidelines and best practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is an organization that provides advice and resources on all aspects of the ethics of publications and research and conduct and undue publication.

The following describes each of the aspects related to the declaration of ethics and good practices of the MDPIP Journals:

Complaints and Appeals. The Editor will respond as soon as possible to any complaint generated in the editorial process. The communication will be made by emailing in a confidential form. If the situation cannot be resolved, the full Editorial Committee will attend it.

Conflicts of Interests. Authors who submit a manuscript to the MDPIP Journals, editors, and reviewers of journal publications, must declare in writing the existence of any relationship between the authors of the article and any public or private entity from which it could be derived or any possible conflict of interests that may interfere with the objectivity or integrity of a publication.

Conflicts of interest are situations that could be perceived as exerting undue influence on the presentation, review, and publication of a work. These may be of a financial, non-financial, professional, labor, contractual or personal nature. We hope that anyone who suspects an undisclosed conflict of interest for a work published or in consideration by the MDPID Journals should inform the editor or email

Data Analysis. The MDPIP Journals supports transparency and openness around data, codes, and other materials associated with research. Authors must maintain accurate records of support to allow others to understand verify and replicate new findings. In addition, authors must provide access to this data and store it in an appropriate storage repository for others to share and use.

Ethical Supervision and Privacy Statement. The names and email addresses entered on the site of the MDPIP Journals will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or any other part. For this reason, the authors' emails will not publish in the articles. The articles will contain ORCID code information and institutional affiliation. The journal's editorial team collects such information only to the extent necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of the visitor's interaction with the journal. Includes information that makes communication possible for the editorial process, which is used to inform readers about the authorship and editing of the content and allows the collection of aggregate data on the behavior of readers.

The data that will help in the development of this publication platform can be shared with its developer Public Knowledge Project in an anonymous and aggregated form, with the corresponding exceptions, such as article metrics. The data will not be sold by this journal or PKP nor will it be used for purposes other than those indicated here.

The authors published in this journal are responsible for the data of human subjects that appear in the research reported here. 

Intellectual Property. The documents sent by the authors will be understood as original, and unpublished. It will also be understood that they are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Therefore, with the submission of the article, the author expressly states that: a) The article sent has not been published nor is it in the process of being evaluated for publication in another journal; b) That the publication of a previous version as a working paper (or "gray literature") or on a website has not been reported; c) All authors know and agree with its content, and d) The author transfers the publication rights to the journal.

The MDPIP Journals are open and open access. The content of the articles published in the Journals is the exclusive responsibility of the authors, which is why they do not necessarily reflect the thinking of the Editorial Committee of the journal.

The authors who contribute to the MDPIP Journals agree to publish their articles under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and remix, transform and develop the material, for any purpose, even commercially, under the condition that the appropriate credit is granted, that a link to the license be provided and that it indicates whether changes were made. You can do it in any reasonable way, but not in any way it may suggest that the licensor endorses you or your use.

Post-publication Discussions and Corrections. Readers' discussions of publications will be accepted through letters to the editor. When the situation warrants it, the Editor will divulge the criticism of any work published in the journal, allowing the authors to express their arguments. This is through letters from the authors addressed to the Editor.

The inclusion of new authors is not allowed when the article is already accepted for publication or published on the journal's website.