The Effect of Formative Assessment on Student’s Achievement in Secondary Grades in Private Schools of Pakistan


  • Faiqa Asim Institute of Business Management



Formative Assessment, Strategies, Secondary Classrooms, Student Achievement, Qualitative Analysis


The study aimed to investigate the effect of formative assessment on student achievement in secondary grades in private schools in Pakistan. The action research dissects the effect of formative assessment on student’s achievement in secondary classrooms. This study attempts to investigate which strategies in formative assessment would result in improved student achievement and if they do influence learners as claimed by the literature. Formative strategies such as exit tickets, class discussions, pair work, group presentations, and peer evaluation are extensively discussed. The research approach chosen was a qualitative study. The design chosen was action research because in this research an educational problem was being addressed. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The characteristics of the individuals would be students of secondary grades between the age of 12-15. Both genders are included. The individuals would be students studying in a private school. The subjects chosen were English, Social Studies, and Islamiyat. This study found that several formative assessment strategies such as discussions, group presentations, and peer evaluation increased student engagement, and willingness and displayed their understanding of the content which in turn reflected their ability to perform well when evaluated. The study was qualitative, yet in the future, researchers could go a step ahead and conduct a quantitative study. Likewise, it was conducted in one metropolitan city of Karachi therefore, its results could not apply in the rural areas, future researcher needs to include the rural population for generalizability of the result.


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How to Cite

Asim, F. (2024). The Effect of Formative Assessment on Student’s Achievement in Secondary Grades in Private Schools of Pakistan. OPEN ACCESS EDUCATION AND LEADERSHIP REVIEW, 2(1), 27–38.